Part 1 – Yasu and Oden
This week’s chapter starts off with a flashback involving Yasu and who I can only assume is Oden. Oden’s character is under silhouette, so we still need to wait to see how he looks. I do think it’s cool this is the first time we get to see Oden’s character speak and be involved in dialogue. Like the stories we heard about him, he is speaking on how cramped Wano is and wants to set out to sea to explore. His reasoning for this is that his father, the Shogun disowned him, and Oden goes on to say that he wants to make Yasuie the next Shogun. Yasu tells Oden it’s just tough love. Who would have expected the smiling Yasu to be so important in the grand scheme of the arc?
Part 2 – Shimotsuki Yasuie
The rest of this chapter revolves around Yasu and his execution. Yasu confesses that he is not actually the witching hour boy and that he used it as an excuse to get caught. Ebisu town is coming to try to stop the execution, Yasu means the world to them. Yasu goes on giving a wonderful speech about Wano and it’s beauty that the Kozuki family built from the ground up, at the same time saying all the poison was caused by Orochi, fueling the minds of the citizens before he departs from the world. Yasu takes the blame for the symbol going around, saying that it was just a joke, he’s taking eyes off the current investigation, giving the rebellion a new blank slate. It’s beautiful. As this magnificent speech is going on, Zoro, Toko and Hiyori are at the execution site. And even to my surprise, Orochi executed Yasu, no one saved him, he dies with a smile on his face igniting hope and inspiration to his friends. Toko and the people of Yasu start crying and laughing: It is a disturbing sight. I can feel their pain but they can’t express their emotions correctly. Zoro is upset about it and we get the bombshell from Hiyori that they are like this because of a fruit called SMILE Kaido and Orochi brought. The plot thickens and Doffy’s relevance grows.
Beautiful chapter this week. The crescendo to the actual execution of Yasu mixed with bits and pieces of flashbacks along with narrations from Yasu that build his character and gives us a better perspective on the impact he has on all of Wano was beautiful. Smile appears to have been more than just artificial devil fruits so I am excited to see what else Doffy was involved with.
~ S