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One Piece Chapter 939: An Old Hyourse Knows the Way

Part 1 – Sister Sister

This weeks chapter starts off with Zoro and Hyori, Zoro is shocked to find out she is Momo’s sister. She’s remembers the promise Momo made her but was never sure if it would come true. She goes on to explain that Kawamatsu was the one that helped her escape the castle and protected her for years. We also get a confirmation for a theory a lot of people had and that is Kawamatsu being a Kappa. We know it’s not a devil fruit because in her explanation, she mentions they used water channels to escape. Maybe it’s an old species. She comes to the same conclusion as Momo in that she should wait until after the fire festival and final battle to reveal herself to them. One other thing I want to add is the amount and type of dialogue we got from Zoro this chapter. More thought based, his mind is on the mission. I don’t know, I appreciated it.

Part 2 – Capital Punishment

Next we cut to the capital where Orochis men are putting the rebels in prison in front of the civilians to get a point across. There are a lot of rebels being captured, more than I thought there was going to be. We also see Laws crew in the cells, they are beat pretty bad. I’m going to theorize that Law will come and try to save his crew and only his crew so that the plan won’t be 100% destroyed and as he saves his crew, Zoro will free the rebel samurai thus keeping his promise in gathering strong samurai for the fight.

Part 3 – Flex God Luffy

The last part of the chapter revolves around the sumo execution match with Luffy and You. The “mysterious prisoner” wants out to fight as well. At this point it’s pretty much confirmed based on the structure of this chapter that it’s Kawamatsu. This part of the chapter was awesome to see. Luffy is flexing his observation haki hard and in a carefree way. He is seeing what the Armadillo will be doing and informing Hyou where to go in order to dodge. It’s so effortless now, he’s really grown a good amount stronger. Hyou notices Luffy keeps trying to do something because he isn’t striking his opponents. Luffy then explains the type of armament haki he wants to try to be able to do. In his mind, If he masters it, he will be able to generate force better than his regular armament haki and that will be able to break Kaidos scales. I don’t think it will be that easy, but I believe like I said last week, Oda is giving us false hope for a fore coming humiliating defeat at the fire festival.

Hyou brings up the fact the samurai of Wano have a similar ability they use on their swords where they can allow their swords to cut the toughest of steal or not cut paper. This reminded me of the time in Alabasta where zoro was trying to cut Mr 1. He had his internal monologue where he was remembering what his master said about the sword and demonstrated bu slicing yet not cutting leaves from a tree and then proceeding to cut Mr 1, a steel human. Cook that we got an explanation for it. Hyou goes on and does that special armament hake move Luffy has been trying to do and knocks out the Alpaca. Hyou tells Luffy he will help him learn and the chapter ends.


I really enjoyed the vibe this chapter gave off. We got confirmation on Kawamatsu being a Kappa along with much appreciated long dialogue with Zoro. More setup with the rebels and my favorite part, seeing Luffy’s strength increase. Looking forward to seeing Luffy master the technique and seeing how he uses it with his gum gum abilities.


~ S

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