Part 1 – Luffy’s Inferno
Chapter starts off right where we left off last week. Kawamatsu is telling Raizo what he needs to do in order to free him. Guards see Raizo and he has to make an escape. Luffy and Hyou’s execution is going as scheduled. Queen is preparing a Sumo Inferno Tournament meant to kill the two. They get neck braces placed on them that will trigger if they try to escape similar to the ones the celestial dragons use. The neck brace is triggered when you get out of the sumo arena. Queen actually takes off their cuffs so that they can actually fight. I wasn’t expecting that, and neither was Raizo. Raizo starts questioning if the keys he has were Luffy’s. I believe they actually are Kawamatsus. It’s a bunch of guard’s vs Luffy and Hyou, and Luffy flexes his kings’ haki and makes light work of them.
Part 2 – Bathhouse
We cut to the bathhouse where we find Hawkins and Drake looking for people with the crescent moon tattoo on their ankles. Nami comes in clutch and uses her version of final flash to distract the people. Like a lot of us guessed last week, Sanji was at the bathhouse. Drake and Hawkins are from North Blue and are familiar with the Germa. They recognize Stealth Black. Sanji is able to grad everyone and Sky walk out of there. He reveals to us that Laws crew was captured and the Beast pirates intend to use them as bait to draw Law out.
Part 3 – Zoros Supply Run
The last portion of the chapter focuses on where Zoro is. He’s in a snowy area in Wano. He chased the person who stole Shusui. The Thief said he already returned it to the grave from where it was stolen. This person turns out to be a weapons collector, Zoro knows these weapons will help the alliance and they start to clash.
I think when Zoro goes to Ryumas grave to get back Shisui, he’s going to find out something about himself. I’m on the boat that Ryuma and Zoro have a connection. Whether it’s that they are from the same family, or if Ryuma is related somehow to Zoros old master. Luffy will make light work of anyone who is gonna attack him or Queen will step in to fight Luffy because he saw him use kings’ haki.
Great chapter this week. Good plot progression and set up. I’m excited to see how much stronger Luffy got. What will Law do? He really wants everyone to stick to the plan but will he act different since it’s his own crew that was captured? Lots of things to look forward too.
~ S