Part 1 – Enter Queen
We begin this week’s chapter at the prison. Raizo was able to steal the keys to the handcuffs and is on his way to free Luffy. Speaking of Luffy, the next portion cus to him midair as he strikes the Vice Warden of the prison. The Vice Wardens name is Daifugo who has a scorpion devil fruit ability, which may fall in line with the popular theory of Queen and his crew having scorpion powers. The punishment for striking a guard is execution. Guards are astonished by what Luffy is able to do with his cuffs on. One of the guards goes on to say it’s because of his will power that he is able to do what he is doing. Luffy even mentions that he is training right now so that when the cuffs come off, he can be stronger, even if it’s by just a little. This was something a lot of us thought would happen and it seems like Oda is confirming the notion. We get a proper introduction to Queen who has a 1.32 billion berry bounty. He’s a very eccentric character, for someone who is in charge of torturing, his character contrasts with that concept.
Part 2 – Bed, Bath and Beyond
Law, Frank and Usopp were able to make it to Ebisu town, however, Zoro left before they got there. Zoro said his sword was stolen. Sanji also went missing and we just so happen to cut to our favorite ladies in a bathhouse. Pretty sure Sanji is at the bathhouse while being invisible. We find out a little more about Hyou and how he was one of the greatest Yakuza bosses 20 years ago and the people loved him. So much so that even Oden praised him. He had strength to back up his title and prestige. It’s shocking to see him the way he is now all weak and shriveled up. Maybe when he regains his strength he’ll be a formidable ally.
Part 3 – Prison Talk
We cut back to the prison and Queen cuts right to the chase and tells Luffy if he joins their crew, he’ll personally ask Kaido to forgive him. Hyou tells Queen to take his life and spare Luffy all the while Raizo is hearing all this desperate to get Luffys cuffs off. We get the reveal to the secret prisoner and it is one of the 3 samurai they were looking for, Kawamatsu.
We got good plot progression in this chapter. We are one step closer to Luffy getting out of the prison and know that he’ll be a bit stronger when the cuffs come off. Zoro and Sanji are on the move and we can expect them to reunite soon. Kawamatsu will be freed and be a strong asset to our side.