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Inferno Cop Spoiler Free Review

Inferno Cop

The Brightest Flames Burn out the Fastest

Series in a Sentence

In a world filled with evil and stacked against him, one cop fights for the sake of justice.

What I liked

Oh man, Inferno Cop is one of those series that you are either going to love or hate because of how dumb it is. Based on the fact that I’m putting its “dumbness” in this section, it is pretty safe to say that I loved it. From fighting ridiculously designed enemies to introducing ridiculously complex and unnecessary twists, Inferno Cop is not afraid to cram as much absurdity as it can into its couple minute episodes. Coupled with a very low-budget look, the tongue-in-cheek writing really facilitates endless laughs in a style that can be seen in more modern Trigger series. Plus, the fact that the whole series really only runs as long as one episode of anime means that there is no excuse not to watch it. In the end, there isn’t much to say here that is truly in-depth other than the fact that this show is short, absurd, and goes forward at a blazing pace. Keep an eye out for the spoiler-filled After Anime Report, though, because I’ll be going into depth on my favorite moments.

What I Didn’t Like

There isn’t one thing that I can point to in this series that I didn’t like BUT there are things that I can point to that other people I showed this series to didn’t like. As much as I loved the absurdity, it cuts both ways as some of my friends just found it to be too much. Likewise, I’ve seen people scoff at the cheap animation and short run times. If you are looking for a gorgeous and sprawling series to take up your time, this isn’t it. Writing is off the wall for sure and you have to be in the mood for it.

Overall Feelings

This is probably the easiest anime I’ll ever review because I can say without a doubt that you’ll either love it or hate it. Are you looking for a series that relishes in absurdity and lasts for the length of a normal episode? If so, check this out. Are you looking for a more mature series with deep writing and development? If so, this isn’t for you. Sometimes you just need a brief period of child-like absurdity to brighten your day.

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