Blessed with a great setup chapter this week. So much overt and potentially covert information was sprinkled throughout this chapter that can blossom flowers of beautiful content.
Part 1 - Big Mom Pirates at Sea
Chapter starts off with us checking in on the Big Mom Pirates. They are at a border sea next to Wano. They know she is still alive because her Vivre card is still intact. In their bickering about the fate of Momma, we get solid confirmation that Big Mom and Kaido were in fact a part of the same crew in the past. The lore of the Rox pirates is even more interesting than ever. A crew that had these two beasts, just imagine how the captain was and the fact that Garp was the one to take them out. Persospero goes on to say that if Big Mom is killed that he would be the new captain but there is protest and others claim it should be Katakuri. I don’t think this was brought p just for some gag. This may be hinting at the fact Big Mom may actually die and one of them may be the new captain.
Part 2 – Journey to Udon
Chopper, Big Mom and gang are on their way to Udon on the back of a Crocoshark that was tamed because Big Mom spanked it twice. She is getting hungry but seems to be polite about it. She is looking at Chopper whenever she says she’s hungry and is drooling. A gag yes but we know how she can get when she is starving. A big Yikes. I sense a rampage coming. We also get to see a full map of Wano. The Flower Capital is in the center of the country while Onigashima is to the south on a separate island. A large river divides Wano into 6 regions. In the midst of all this.
Momo gets fired up and yells something as he swings his sword. Kiku has a surprising reaction to this and asks him where he learned it. It’s something swordsmen from otside Wano yell and he learned it from Zoro. Kiku goes on to tell him not to use that yell ever again. She says there was on old Kuri dialect that would use that ye;; in the past and someone like Momo shouldn’t use it. This was probably the most interesting part of the chapter for me. What does this imply for Zoro? Is he actually connected to Wano? There is a resemblance between him and Ryuma. If they do just so happen to be related in some way, I wouldn’t be shocked. Maybe Zoros Sensei from the Dojo is actually from Wano and we’ll find out more about him later this arc.
Part 3 – Game 6 Robin and the Great Escape
We cut to the group that was involved with Orochi. The title of the chapter is mentioned in this portion, Hyougoro was the previous Yakuza leader 20 years ago before Kyoshiro. Robin shows more emotion than usual. She is disappointed that she could not get more information. She goes on a rant on what she found out and it’s actually a lot. Brook said that there was a poneglyph at the castle but it was in a basement protected by a large solid door and the room inside had a lot of wooden dolls around it. More mysteries that I’m positive will relate to the origins of the poneglyphs since they were made in Wano by the Kozuki.
We also cut to Law, Sanji and crew. Seems like Sanji was able to take care of Page One. Sadly we couldn’t wee the fight play out. Law also goes on to tell us that Kidd is on the island as well. He was captured but apparently escaped. Left Luffy behind, I love it.
Part 4 – Hyougoro the Flower
Luffy is being asked questions about Kidd because he’s the one that would talk to Kidd the most. Kidd escaped while being handcuffed. All the while this is going on, the old man Luffy saved is being beat up because the amount of food he is getting is suspicious. This old man turns out to be THE Hyougoro. He continues to eat even though he is being beat because he is thankful that someone like Lufy still exists. He gives a powerful speech as all this is going on and Luffy comes rushing in, still handcuffed charging at the guards. And then, we see that Queen has come to the Prison and the chapter ends.
Queen and Luffy will interact. Queen will torture Luffy but Luffy will show resilience. We will see Zoro possibly renting with Sanji for the first time in years.
This chapter was full of cool information that has planted the seeds for great set up. The climax of act 2 is coming soon and I feel like there will be plenty of twists and turns.
~ S