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One Piece Discussion: Big Mom in Wano

Last week we got the shockingly early appearance of Big Mom at the gates of Wano. Like many others, I myself thought her involvement or appearance in Wano would occur near the time of the Fire Festival. There are a few peculiar things about how Big Mom decided to try to come into Wano that don’t add up in my head. A lot of the points I’ll be bringing p have been being discussed in the community since last week.

Part 1 – One Ship, Partial Crew

In the chapter we are told via one of Kaidos subordinates that Big Mom has a vast information network and that’s how she figured out how to come near and scale the waterfall at the entrance of Wano. She seems like she’ll be able to enter until King came in and knocked her off the Waterfall. As he does so he mentions something about what did she think she was doing bringing one ship? I think this was Oda telling us that there’s more to meets the eye to this whole scene with Big Mom.

There were key members of Big Mom’s crew that were missing, two of which that were crucial in Whole Cake Island are Katakuri and Brulee. Like many others brought up since last chapter, I also believe that the other half or more than half of the Big Mom Pirates are in Brulee’s Mirror World. The plan for Big Mom was to get as close to Wano so that Brulee can somehow connect to a Mirror in Wano.

Big Mom may have also found other entrances to Wano and used herself and her flagship as a distraction for the other ships to enter from remote areas. Again, her intelligence network was praised in the same chapter by Kaidos men. I wouldn’t put it past Big Moms capabilities to follow through with a plan like this. She isn’t defeated. We know she went into the ocean after King attacked the ship, bt Big Mom is too cunning and calculative to let something like that happen by accident.

Part 2 – Big Mom x Kaido

So what does this all mean? Why are we getting Big Mom so early before the Fire Festival? Well, I’m assuming we will see Kaido and Big Mom talk about their past History. The topic itself is shrouded in wtf. Kaido really seemed like he didn’t want Big Mom to enter Wano, and I don’t think it was because of the fighting. We know Kaido owes Big Mom something, but what is it? Are Katakuri, Oven and Daifuku Kaidos Kids and Big Mom is here for child support? Will she use Child Support as a bargaining chip to get to the Strawhats before him? All jokes aside (maybe actually not a joke) I think their history and potential involvement with the Rocks Pirates will be reveled in Wano.


~ S

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