Part 1: Franky and the Blueprints
Chapter starts off with Franky asking Minatomo about the blueprints for Kaido’s castle. He reveals that he got rid of the blueprints and this makes Franky mad. He ends up leaving the apprenticeship in search for the blueprints. After going through a chain of previous holders of the blueprints, Franky finds out the blueprints are now in Kuri. I believe either the Yakuza have the blueprints now or someone allied to the Kozuki. Maybe even Komurasaki. Franky lets Kinnemon know and we also find out that Kin and Inu are trying to provoke Shutenmaru by framing him for constantly stealing.
Part 2: Zoro and Yasu:
We finally get to see Zoro again. He is with Yasu, the man who paid for his sushi. They’ve ben wandering around different towns and we find out Zoro picked a fight with the Kyoshiro Clan, just like Sanji did. Zoro and Yasu are approaching the Flower capital and the town of leftovers. All the separated pieces are starting to come together and meet.
Part 3: Enter Shogun Orochi
We have finally been introduced to the snake himself, Orochi. He is in a meeting with Cp0, discussing the fact that since Doffy is no longer involved, they need to make deals with Wano directly. Last time they made a deal, Wano obtained battleships, this time Orochi wants Vegapunk. Cp0 are taken aback and exclaim that it’s impossible. Orochi without hesitation shoots at one of the Cp0. He goes on to mention Wano is not scared of the World Government and he says even if they all banded together, they would not be able to take down Wano with Kaido backing him up. I believe the main thing the World Government gets from Wano is Sea stone. If in fact all the sea stone we’ve seen in the series so far comes out of Wano, Wano is a very important trade ally the World Government needs to keep. If the terms of getting this product are too high for the World Government, I can see them taking drastic measures in possibly taking military action to make sure they get what they want.
Part 4: Dino Thunder
The last page of the chapter was absolutely beautiful. Sanji is with Law in the aftermath of the Soba shop incident. Law tells Sanji to hide and we find out why. 2 of the 6 strongest headliners were sent to investigate the soba incident. This group is called “The Flying Fighters.” And FINALLY, we see that one of the 6 STRONGEST HEADLINERS is none other than MY FAVORITE SUPERNOVA aside from the Strawhat supernova, X FLIPIN DRAKE. Not only do we see Drake, he is in his HYBRID form, something doubters of Drake have been bringing up. Hybrid Zoan forms are the peak of Zoan user’s strength. To confirm Drake has a hybrid form is huge. He came with another member, Page one. Both are revealed to have the Dragon-dragon fruit Ancient type fruits. Drake is an Allosaurus and Page One is a Spinosaurus. They are talking to Hawkins and the chapter end in some banter.
Dino gang will throw hands and I’m hyped.
I loved this chapter. As a huge fan of Dinosaurs, and having always loved Drake, seeing him again with more info about his powers is great. Plus so much is being set up for a really cool climax for Act 2.
~ S