At Jump Festa, Oda revealed something big will happen in the Reverie sometime this year. I believe we will actually cut back to the Reverie between Acts 2 and 3. But what’s this big thing that Oda says will happen? There are 3 things I think that might answer that question; The World Government will find out about Shirahoshis secret, something big with the Revolutionaries, and/or we’ll find out who Im Sama decided needed to be purged.
Part 1: Shirahoshi
Most of the fandom already believes that Shirahoshis secret will be out soon. Many (including myself) believe Caribou would be the one to reveal it since we know he overheard Robin and Neptune talk about it. That can and probably still will happen. Either Kaido will find out or Blackbeard will. But I also believe there is a possibility the World Government will also figure it out during the Reverie. There may be a race to see who can get their hands on Shirahoshi between the world government, a Yonko crew and the Strawhat pirates. Whichever it is, that will fulfil Madam Shirley’s vision of Luffy destroying fishman Island. This is either all going to culminate right after Wano or after Elbaf in my opinion.
Part 2: The Revolutionary Army
We found out from Blackbeard that on day 4 of the Reverie, the Rev Commanders attacked 2 Admirals to get back Kuma, but was that their ultimate goal? No it wasn’t. If you recall, Dragon wanted to make a statement to the World Government. It be cool to see Dragon reveal himself in the flesh in front of everyone as he gives a speech. It would be even crazier if Dragon Sits on the throne and reveals himself that way. He might even exchange words with Im Sama. Any of these things would be crazy if it happened.
Part 3: Im Sama
Last thing we saw of Im and the Gorosei, they were talking about a Purge. We saw Im enter what appeared to be a secret room where we saw a giant strawhat. We also saw Im holding a few wanted posters. The best candidates for the purge are Luffy, Blackbeard, Vivi or Shirahoshi. Hell, Im might say they all need to go. Whoever Im picks, I believe the Marines will mobilize immediately. If it’s Luffy, The Marines will head to Wano. If its Vivi, she’s going to help captive and Cobra may be assassinated (also because he plans to bring up the poneglyphs). If it’s Shirahoshi, I already talked about that. If it’s all the above, I can easily see the Marines and the World Government in general sending different factions to take care of each person of interest. Whatever’s going to happen, all I know is that it’ll be crazy.
~ S