Hunter x Hunter (2011) Arc Review: The Election Arc Review
Episodes: 12 (137-148)
Author: Yoshihiro Togashi

Returning characters = Killua and Illumi Zoldyck, Hisoka, Leorio, Ging, and Gotoh
Alluka Zoldyck = Youngest of the 5 Zoldyck siblings. Split personality with “Something”. Makes requests to people and can make wishes come true, but many have died by not understanding the power.
Cheadle Yorkshire = A member of the Zodiacs that is extremely suspicious of Pariston (Animal = Dog). Runs in the election and wins after a twist of events.
Tsubone = One of the oldest Zoldyck butlers. Besides Gotoh, she is one of the strongest and most loyal. Tails Killua under Killua’s mother’s orders.
Amane & Canary = Two other butlers that tail Killua under his mother’s orders. Canary was in the 1st arc and Amane is Tsubone’s granddaughter.
The Zodiacs = Member of 12 Hunters with skills recognized by Netero, each assigned Chinese zodiac symbols. They act as advisors to the Chairman and in times of emergency, they control the Hunter Association in the Chairman’s absence.
Pariston Hill = Vice-chairman of the Hunter Association and a member of the Zodiacs (Animal = Rat). Cunning, and eloquent speaker able to sway the crowd in the election with his words and charisma.
The Zodiacs, Pro Hunters under the mentorship and favored by the late Netero, gather to determine the successor as Chairman. One of them, Pariston Hill, changes the rules and many are suspicious of his motives to become chairman.
Killua returns home and finds the hidden 5th sibling of the Zoldyck family - Alluka Zoldyck - the youngest with dangerous powers.
Alluka and Killua bargain to leave the mansion, under the supervision of strong butlers from the family and they are granted it.
The Election continues and Leorio becomes a frontrunner by campaigning for Gon and punching Ging for his absence as a father. He is later endorsed by other frontrunners.
Illumi and Hisoka give chase to Killua’s group, with the intent to kill Alluka. Killua speeds away using Godspeed and Gotoh is killed by Hisoka.
Killua and Alluka arrive at the hospital where the misshapen Gon is. Alluka heals Gon at Killua’s request, with the promise that Alluka and Killua will travel the world together.
Gon arrives at the election hall and Leorio throws the election in happiness. Pariston, also, throws the election - leaving Cheadle (another Zodiac) as the winner and new Chairman.
Morel tells Gon about Kite. Kite is now a young girl and gives Gon the closure, saying that they both needed more training and it was no one’s fault.
Gon, sadly, parts ways with Killua and Alluka and climbs the World Tree where Ging is waiting for him at the top.
At the summit, Ging explains that the World Tree expands into other worlds and he wants to explore them. The series concludes with our main four heroes going after their goals, while Gon explains his adventures to Ging.
The Praise
The Election arc does two things in a relatively short time: World building and character development. In terms of the world building, the election gathers all types of Hunters, seen before and not, that are interested in the outcome. And unexpectedly, Gon becomes a large political piece in it. Personally I think that using Gon as a pivotal issue was intelligent storytelling and it doesn’t drag too hard on political issues that we have little idea of.
The character development for Killua is also a nice treat. Killua risks life and limb once again, against his own brother, to save Gon from the brink of death. Not only that but to see the character interactions between the cast is the icing on the cake. The conflict isn’t nearly
as frightening as the Chimera Ant’s strength, but it still holds weight. Gon was absent from episodes for quite a while and that’s not something that a normal cast can pull off without strong characters - so that’s another plus. LEORIO FINALLY DOES SOMETHING. And it’s always nice to see Hisoka and Illumi work together...even if it’s not for the best reasons. Lastly, the emotional parting of Gon and Killua is going to give you feels. I promise.

The Critique
I will say that I love fight scenes, but we got plenty of that in the previous arc. I recognize that this is the falling action before another climax but I can’t help but feel how...out of place this arc feels at certain points, mainly due to the Chimera Ant arc before it. Naturally, since Netero’s dead it makes sense...but the setup isn’t nearly as complex and seems like a bridge to something much larger. Pariston is not the villain, but he’s a decent antagonist that almost distracts from Illumi’s manipulation. Illumi is the closest to a villain in this arc but even then his motivations seem shallow like there’s something not discussed. Don’t even get me started on Kite. Kite’s Nen ability could’ve used more explaining in the first place and to have him be reincarnated was strange. I’m hoping that I missed something huge by not reading the manga, because if that’s it I’m disappointed.
The Verdict
This arc on its own is not bad, by any means. There’s conflict, hope, sadness, and reunions that I never imagined I’d see. Especially after the dramatic ending of the previous Chimera Ant arc. However, after the vast amount of explanations that the previous arc got, the Election arc feels rushed even when it’s getting good. However, as a conclusion to the Hunter x Hunter (2011) anime - it did its job well and I couldn’t have wished for much more. The characters that are introduced are well developed and the system for “Something’s” wishes as well. It leaves the door open for more installments and gives most characters a good send-off. Still, I could’ve seen more from Kurapika. Unfortunately, it just feels forgettable after the Chimera Ant arc. ~D.
Arc Rating: 7 gold nuggets out of 10