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One Piece Chapter 928: The Courtesan Komurasaki Takes The Stage

Part 1: Prison Yard Shenanigans

Chapter starts off in the prison with the prisoner praising Luffy about what he and Kidd did. Grandpa Hyou is indbted to Luffy and I believe this will be brought back after they break out. He may come from a prominent family in Wano. Shortly after, we find out Raizo has already infiltrated the prison. He located the keys to Luffys cuffs, the problem is that they are in a seastone box. We also get reintroduced to Caribou this chapter. He begs Luffy to help him out. He also reveals to the reader that the seastone cuffs the prisoners are wearing are a bit weaker than regular seastone cuffs so the prisoners can still work. Luffy doesn’t want to help Caribou and tells him to ask Kidd, Caribou goes on to inform Luffy what we alaready know: Kidd attacked Big mom and lost his arm. BUT THEN, Kidd comes in to correct the rumors. He apparently injured one of her Sweet Commanders to get something he wanted AND he lost his arm before that incident in a fight with the RED HAIR PIRATES. This is huge news. In community power scaling discussions, people always brought up the fact Kidd losing an arm to Big Moms crew proved he wasn’t on the same tier with Luffy, but after this news, he’s obviously been very busy picking fights with Yonko and not caring.

Part 2: Enter Komurasaki

The last half of the chapter focuses on Komurasaki’s introduction. In this part we see people fanning over her and also a group that want her dead. We got more clarification through a flashback. To keep it short, she tricked men into giving her money in promise of marrying them. It’s revealed to us that she thinks men are worthless unless they are rich. Sher give off a mix of Nami and Boa vibes and I am all aboard. I think it’s a façade and she is hiding her true nature from everyone.

The Chapter ends with Momo talking about his sister and mentioning she should be 26. He says they cannot meet until after the fire festival to keep her safe. There’s no coincidence that we got this information in this chapter that was focused on the introduction of Komuraaki. She is Momo’s sister Hiyori. I’m willing to bet money on it.


I feel like we’ll see Orochi in full next chapter. Act 2 seems like it is setting up main character entrances for this play. I also believe Zoro will show up next chapter as well, in the middle of the festivities.


Great setup chapter that gave us a lot of information. The stuff with Kidd was fascinating and this set up with Hiyori is great as well.


~ S

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