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One Piece Chapter 927: O-Toko, the Kamuro

Simple setup chapter this week. We are introduced to new character and factions that give more life to the culture of Wano. We also see a glimpse of Shogun Orochi and our speculations of his devil fruit ability may be spot on.

Review: Sanji, Soba, O-Toko and Orochi

We begin this week at Sanji’s Soba shop. We finally get to see him reunite with some of the Strawhat crew that wasn’t a part of Whole Cake Island. In the midst of Sanji serving many people, a group of individuals walk up to the shop and harass him. These three individuals are members of the Kyoshiro Family. Through Robin, we find out that the Kyoshiro Family is part of the Yakuza and that Kyoshiro himself is one of the leaders. Very important distinction Oda portrays that I believe will come back to influence the social structure of Wano. The members of the family go on and knock down Sanji’s Soba on the round, and if you know Sanji, he wasn’t too pleased with this. Sanji and Franky easily take care of them and make them eat the Soba anyway. It’s noted that some form of retaliation will come as a result of all of this.

Then we are introduced to this little girl named O-Toko. She is a Kamuro. We are informed of the number one ranked Courtesan in Wano, Komurasaki. She is said to be the most beautiful woman in Wano. We are also informed that Robin has been invited to Orochi’s sitting room, furthering the plan and her getting more information. We see glimpses of Komurasaki and she has a Boa like effect on men, knocking them out from her sheer beauty, or perhaps it can be something more, conquering.

The chapter ends with Kyoshiro being informed about the incident at the Soba shop. He tells his men to give Queen a call to send assassins. In the last panel of the chapter, we see a silhouette of Orochi, and like many of us predicted, it appears that he is an 8 headed snake, most likely a mythical Zoan Yamata no Orochi from Japanese mythology.


Okay, Kyoshiro is super sketchy. I believe he has ulterior motives to take out the Shogun. He has stated that Orochi is incompetent and the fact that we found out he is a leader of the Yakuza, I can see some sort of betrayal from his part. He may join our side in order to take out Orochi.


As I said earlier, simple setup chapter this week. We got cool Sanji and Franky action as well as nice details about the current state of Wano. Act 2 is starting similarly to act one where the first few chapters are going to set up a big climax at the end of the act. Can’t wait to see this go down.

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