Nice and simple chapter this week. We got more development in the samurai recruitment process and we also got to see great interaction between Luffy and Kidd.
Part 1: Samurai Recruitment
The chapter starts off with mention of one of the 3 samurai Kinnemon insisted we had to try to get on our side, Kamazou the Manslayer. We go on and see other samurai receive the hidden message Kinnemon decided the team should pass out. They are in shock and excited at the thought the Kozuki family have returned. Nami and Shinobu are sneaking around trying to get Intel, and Nami does. She finds out when and where the weapons will be transported.
Part 2: Prison Life
The second half of the chapter focuses on Luffy and Kidd in prison. They are doing forced labor in order o earn their food. All the while handcuffed to sea stone cuffs. Mind you, in the past we saw ppl be depleted of energy when they are cuffed but Luffy and Kidd are moving large stone slabs like it’s nothing. This is so epic. This is like weighted training for them, when the cuffs come off, their base strengths will increase as well as their haki.
He interaction between Luffy and Kidd are that of rivals. It reminds me of how Blackbeard and Luffy first met with the eating contest. For years the fandom speculated that Luffy’s true rival was going to be Kidd because they have the same dream but go about it in two different ways. Now we are finally seeing interaction between them and it’s great. Some of my favorite stuff I’ve seen from Wano so far.
Chapter ends with a Hippo dude coming in causing a scene because Luffy and Kidd ate so many kibidangos. Hippo guy eats them and just as they went in, they came out knocking him out. The Prison guards are furious and the prisoners are ecstatic. They finally have hope.
Next chapter w will see what Zoro is up too. In addition to that, we will continue to see Luffy and Kidds prison time adventures. Possibly even the identity of the secret prisoner.
Simple chapter this week. Good plot progression with the plan to recruit going underway. Fantastic character interaction between Luffy and Kidd. Looking forward to more of their interaction this arc.
~ S