Hunter x Hunter (2011) Arc Review: Phantom Troupe Arc
Arc Epsidoes: 20 (39-58)
Original Author: Yoshihiro Togashi

Returning characters = Gon Freecs, Killua Zoldyck, Kurapika, and Leorio are rejoined! Hisoka and Machi (pink-haired girl from the Phantom Troupe) also return in this arc.
Chrollo Lucifer = Leader of the 13 membered group originating from Meteor City. Dangerous Nen user with the ability to steal other people’s abilities, and use them as his own. The stolen ability can no longer be used by the original owner.
Other members of the Phantom Troupe = Feitan, Franklin, Bonolenov, Kortopi, Machi, Hisoka, Pakunoda, Phinks, Shalnark, Shizuku, Uvogin, and Nobunaga
Melody = Nen user that is another bodyguard of Neon. She is a Music Hunter and becomes a valuable ally to Kurapika and the main group by locating the Phantom Troupe’s hideout.
Neon = Daughter of the man that Kurapika has been hired to protect. She has the Nen ability to predict people’s fortunes and they’re 100% correct. This ability is later stolen by Chrollo.
Zeno & Silva Zoldyck = Family members of Killua that protect the Ten Dons during the chaos caused by the Phantom Troupe’s assault
Mastering his Nen, Kurapika leaves to be hired. After a brief trial he finds himself in the employ of Neon of the Nostrade family, someone connected to Scarlet Eyes - the eyes of his slain clan - and is also going to Yorknew for the auction.
Melody and Kurapika are on guard when the Phantom Troupe storms the auction and kills rooms of people in order to steal the auction items. The items were moved by the group known as the Shadow Beasts.
Hot on their tails, the Phantom Troupe pursues them. Uvogin takes out 4 of them on his own. However, Kurapika makes his move and captures Uvogin.
The other members eradicate the other shadow beasts, capture Owl - the member that stole the items - and chase after Uvogin. They catch up and rescue him while his captors are away.
Humiliated and angry, Uvogin searches until he finds Kurapika again. They go to a remote desert for a 1v1 in which Kurapika kills Uvogin.
Gon and Killua tail members of the Phantom Troupe after learning Kurapika’s involvement and are captured. However, they are able to
escape from Nobunaga’s watch.
Neon’s ability is stolen by Chrollo in disguise. Chrollo fights Zeno and Silva, and flees. Chrollo is...dead? Nope, he’s alive.
The Phantom Troupe hones in on Kurapika and the main group. They’re able to capture Gon and Killua once again while they were creating a diversion for Kurapika.
Kurapika, Leorio and Melody capture Chrollo and Kurapika binds his Nen from being used. Kurapika forces Pakunoda to use Gon and Killua as leverage to release Chrollo.
Chrollo is rescued, does not have his Nen anymore, and is left in the desert. Hisoka loses his interest to fight him. Pakunoda tells the other members what happened with her dying wish/Nen and Gon and Killua return to the auction to find Greed Island.
The Praise

Finally. We enter where Hunter x Hunter (2011) shines - its morality and lethal antagonists. The Phantom Troupe, foreshadowed in the Hunter exam, are a truly formidable and merciless group of Nen users that will murder anyone in their way, no matter who gets caught in the crossfire. Seeing Kurapika clash with Uvogin was animated gorgeously and it still is one of the most memorable fights of the entire series. And right after being shown how dangerous the Troupe is...Gon and Killua get caught?! That face-to-face with true death that’s been hinted at in other moments in the anime was mind-boggling. Which brings me to the morality of this arc. Yes, the Phantom Troupe are cold-blooded killers that are out to hijack the auction and kill dozens of people in this arc...but they’re still human. Throughout the destruction, the group
legitimately mourns Uvogin’s death and seriously hunt down Kurapika for revenge. Gon’s anger at their mourning contradicting their killing actions is characteristic of his pure nature - and I really like that it’s part of the story. He even has a surge of power and Nobunaga wants to have him join the Troupe at one point! Even though I support Kurapika, I can say that I like the Phantom Troupe members as characters and antagonists. Just...not what they do.
Nen also gets a worthy expansion from the basics covered in the Heavens Arena arc, and we see the more complex concepts like In and En which come in to play. Old members of the anime make a return and it’s good to see they aren’t forgotten. Hisoka’s motivations are as clear and muddy at the same time as ever, and he even toys with this group as a fake member by manipulating information to his own advantage. The soundtrack fills the scenes like a chamber that’s witnessed an overhaul of death, and the scene with Chrollo conducting the chaos in Yorknew is breathtaking. The Phantom Troupe characters are a breath of fresh air and the story gets a great arc because of it. The icing on top is that the arc doesn’t feel rushed.

The Critique
The largest watch-out that I can say for anyone watching this would be that there are quite a very few minor characters that are difficult to keep track of. This, combined with the fact that the Phantom Troupe takes over the auction’s focus, gives reasons for their involvement but they easily fall to the sidelines with the power players on the field.
The Verdict
The Phantom Troupe arc is masterfully constructed with all the key components that make an interesting arc. Fantastic fights, tension, pacing, blatant disregard for human life and stellar soundtracks make each contact with the group feel like life or death - with our heroes barely making it out. So far in our journey, the Phantom Troupe arc takes the cake for the best of the best in terms of exploring the morality of our heroes, revenge, and some good ole shounen action. ~D
Rating: 10 gold nuggets out of 10