This… This was a special chapter, a historic chapter. Finally, we see Blackbeard. I can’t believe it. I’m in shock, happy, emotional, just pure bliss. This chapter has potentially set up something that is beyond insanity.
Part 1: Perona and Mihawk
The chapter began in a way I don’t think anyone would have guessed, with Perona reading a newspaper about Moriah. It was a popular theory in the community that Moriah would show up this arc and if this is any clue as to how he will get to where Wano is…..OH BOY. Perona decides to go and find Moriah, her old master. Mihawk brings up something interesting as she is deciding to leave. He says her leaving is probably for the best and follows that up with “An interesting topic was discussed during the Reverie.” I’m thinking it was about the abolishment of the Shichibukai system. Mihawk may believe the Marines would come after him and Perona leaving would be her safest option.
Part 2: Pirate Island “Beehive”
Just like that, we cut to Moriah invading a Pirate island called Beehive with his zombies. Moriah is looking for Blackbeard. BLACKBEARD. I was so shocked at this point. I didn’t know if we would actually get to see anything but oh boy was I wrong. We are reintroduced to a good number of the Blackbeard Pirates throughout this chapter and I would like to take the time to name every single one chronologically because THIS IS INSANE. NO ONE SAW ANY OF THIS COMING. First we see Avalo Pizarro. Through Pizarro we find out the reason Moriah is here is to find Absalom, the man with the invisibility fruit.
We hear Absalom calling for Moriah, going on about this island being a paradise for pirates. THEN BOOM. Shiryu of the Rain suddenly appears using the ability that Absalom possesses. Moriah is shocked as are we the readers. At this point I was thinking, “how is Absalom still alive while Shiryu has his ability?” BUT THEN ANOTHER REVELATION. That wasn’t Absalom, it was Catarina Devon with the Dog-Dog fruit Mythical beast model Nine-Tailed Fox. WOOOOW.
Blackbeard’s voive starts to play all over the island as he send an earthquake to it. He is speaking to Moriah, asking Moriah to join his crew and he also brings up that on the 4th day of the Reverie, in order to save Kuma, the Revolutionary Army clashed with 2 Marine Admirals, Fujitora and Ryokugyu. Blackbeard also mentions Luffy and him being at Wano with a group of other young pirates. Oh I almost forgot, WE FINALLY GET TO SEE BLACKBEARD. After years of teasing and waiting, we see the GOAT. AND, wee find out his bounty is over 2 billion, $2,247,600,000 to be exact. Blackbeard is a very smart man who plans put things. Him saying allthis says to me he wants to get involved in the chaos.
Part 3: Wano Act Two
Act 2 begins with Inu and Ashura dueling and also shows us that Tama is now okay thanks to Chopper. We also find out Raizo will help in the prison break operation. There appears to be a falling out between Ahura and the Wano retainers. Ashura says he admired one man and that was Oden, he never swore loyalty to the family, just Oden. He is clearly upset about them abandoning Wano for 20 years that left the country in Blank.
If seeing Blackbeard and his crew wasn’t enough Oda decides to end this chapter showing us all the Beast Pirate All Stars, King the Wildfire and Queen the Plague. Both are scolding Jack for messing up, establishing a clear hierarchy among them. We get the semi confirmation that Jack is the weakest of the calamities.
Blackbeard is plotting to get involved. Moriah showing up to him and bringing up Wano, I am now 100& convinced Moriah will show up in Wano. Moriah will accept Blackbeards offer to join, Blackbeard will send him to Wano, while at Wano Moriah will want to take out Kaido. Blackbeard probably wants to as well and their ideals line up.
There was something very interesting I heard one of my friends bring up. The Blackbeard pirates are stockpiling fruits that are perfect for stealth operations. It is entirely possible that as we see Moriah in Wano, The Blackbeard pirates can be hiding, waiting for the perfect moment to take out Kaido. Shout out to Ibou.
One of the greatest chapters of One Piece ever. An unexpected, welcome surprise that went above and beyond my expectations. Blackbeard and his crew are doing more than what I wanted them to do. On top of that the character design for Post time skip Blackbeard is GOAT. I’m very thankful for One Piece.
~ S