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Hunter x Hunter: Heaven's Arena Arc

Hunter x Hunter (2011) Arc Review: Heavens Arena Arc

Author: Yoshihiro Togashi

Arc Episodes: 27-38 (12 of 148 total)


  • Returning characters = Gon Freecs, Killua Zoldyck, Hisoka Morrow, Ging Freecs

  • Zushi = Another resilient and tough teen that Killua and Gon meet in the Heavens Arena. Student to Wing and learning Nen.

  • Wing = Experienced user of Nen, the power system in HxH. Master to Zushi and to Killua and Gon so they can advance in the Heavens Arena.

  • Kastro = Experienced Nen user that lost to Hisoka in years prior. Sought a grudge match against Hisoka with a new technique and loses again.

  • Gido, Sadaso, & Riehlvelt = Three Nen users that prey on Gon and Killua when they enter the 200th floor of Heavens Arena, since they see them as easy wins.


  • Kurapika and Leorio headed their separate ways at the end of the previous arc and Gon and Killua head to Heavens Arena, a tower full of fighters, for the experience and money.

  • Aside from the usual fodder, Killua encounters Zushi, and shortly after, Gon and Killua meet Zushi’s master - Wing.

  • Wing teaches Gon and Killua enough about Nen, the powerful aura within people, to pass Hisoka’s barrier on the 200th floor of the Heavens Arena.

  • Gido, Sadaso, and Riehlvelt are 3 lower 200th floor members that prey on Gon and Killua. Gon is severely injured in his fight with Gido and forbidden from Nen training while he heals.

  • Hisoka and Kastro, a fighter with a grudge against Hisoka for a previous fight, fight again and Hisoka kills him but loses both his arms. Hisoka is revealed as the fake #4 of the group.

  • Gon, fully recovered, and Killua train with Wing and Zushi and they pass the hidden Hunter exam. They conquer the scheming Gido, Sadaso, and Riehvelt.

  • Gon fights Hisoka, and gives a good effort, but eventually loses. After, Killua and Gon head out to Whale Island, Gon’s home.

  • They find a box left by Gon’s father, Ging, and discover their next clue to finding him - a videogame called Greed Island, which will be sold at an auction in Yorknew City.

  • Killua and Gon head out to Yorknew City to acquire the rare item.

The Praise

The bottom line for the Heavens Arena arc is this: Learn Nen and fight Hisoka. And it does even more than that. Gon and Killua’s friendship gets even more screen-time and they both grow an exceptional amount within this arc with a focus on their friendship that is exemplary for young anime boys. The sensibility that Kurapika and Leorio went their separate ways was smart, and it flows even better that Killua and Gon travel together. Togashi keeps their 12-year-old core alive well with this tactic because what more does a 12-year-old boy want than to hang out with his friends? Despite the potential for another tournament arc to drag, the anime does the smart idea of only covering the critical fights and introduces a few characters to propel the story forward. Wing and Zushi (Osu! boy) give our main duo and the audience the ability to learn the power system that some argue is the best of the best - Nen.

Nen is simple at its core, but extremely complex at the same time. The amount of potential advantages and disadvantages depending on the user, experience, and other factors makes it easy to see how a novice is very different from an expert. And that’s what makes it great. I would be severely disappointed if a new Nen user could suddenly be on par with a master, but with the structure and abilities, it is possible without being ridiculous IF the math checks out.

I really loved the explosion of next level fights and storytelling in this arc. The three scumbags are introduced and executed as such so that they are troublesome enemies for Gon and Killua. Killua’s cool demeanor that worked in the shadows to make Sadaso leave Heavens Arena and prevent the other two from cheating was a great touch and a perfect balance to Gon’s gullible and trusting personality - which I think many series try to go for but don’t always hit the mark to make it feel as real as possible. Hisoka versus Gon was broadcasted since the first arc and we got it so soon! It doesn’t disappoint with its intense opening exchange that made me hold my breath and killer moments. Not to mention that we finally start to hear and see more of Ging, the mysterious Hunter and father of Gon. This arc does a great job of introducing the audience to fights that they can expect in the future of the series, while pacing it in a way that flows smoothly.

The Critique

Despite how deliciously dense this arc is, there’s some points that I couldn’t ignore. It was painfully obvious to me that this arc is mainly setup for the next arc to come - with its length only being 12 episodes and its large focus on training. Still enjoyable, but obvious. Less than 30 episodes in, this is the second tournament-style/martial arts arc with a spin, which shows that Hunter x Hunter (2011) needed

another large platform with rules mostly preventing death for explanation that couldn’t be explained in the open universe that Togashi created so far. I specifically remember wishing that I could see something outside of this umbrella for a larger view of the Hunter world.

Nen, even though it is explained well and in detail, can be difficult to follow along with and I feel this is one point that may persist throughout the entire series. The Heavens Arena arc introduces it well, but there are points where the explanations get confusing - especially for first-time watchers. I have yet to rewatch it, but it’s something to keep an eye out for.

The Verdict

Sometimes I go on YouTube to rewatch the Gon versus Hisoka fight it’s so well-done and Nen is a power system that makes Hunter x Hunter different from other shounen in a revolutionary way. Heavens Arena is full of new information, fights and plot that will move the story into a league of its own, and it has a nice focus of friendship between Gon and Killua, but I can’t overlook ANOTHER tournament-ish style arc. This arc is by no means bad, but I liked the originality and danger of the Hunter exam and its turnout more. ~D

Arc Rating: 7 gold nuggets out of 10

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