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Hunter x Hunter: Hunter Exam Arc

Hunter x Hunter (2011): Hunter Exam Arc Review - Introduction to the World of Hunters

Author: Yoshihiro Togashi

Arc Episodes: 26 (of 148 total)


  • Gon Freecs = The main character that’s a 12-year-old boy that has high spirits and a kind heart to help other people. Wishes to take the Hunter exam to be like his deadbeat and missing father, Ging.

  • Kurapika = Teenage boy that looks kinda like a girl, that also wants to take the Hunter exam. Hates the Phantom Troupe that killed his whole clan and is seeking revenge.

  • Leorio Paradinight = Young adult that aspires to be a doctor and needs money to do it so he also is taking the Hunter exam.

  • Killua Zoldyck = Another 12-year-old that wants to be a Hunter to get out of the life plan that his family of assassins has built for him. Cool, calculating and strong.

  • Hisoka Morow = Mysterious man dressed like a clown that reeks of bloodlust and danger. Fascination with Gon during the Hunter exam as a fellow participant.

  • Illumi Zoldyck = Elder brother of Killua, who is also participating in the Hunter exam. Dangerous assassin and seems to be on the same level as Hisoka.


  • Gon, Killua, Leorio, and Kurapika all take the Hunter exam as a group - forming the quad that you’ll see throughout the show.

  • A total of 5 trials are set to determine how proficient the participants are in a tournament-like arc, and passing gives the wanted Hunter License.

  • Everyone in the main squad passes, except Killua who was manipulated by Illumi, disqualifying him. Killua returns home to suffer his fate.

  • Gon is infuriated, like a good MC, and leads his friends to rescue Killua from his own family of assassins.

  • They manage to find Killua on his home mountain. Killua’s father seems to be an understanding man and allows Killua to leave the estate for now.

  • Leorio and Kurapika leave to pursue their own goals, while Gon and Killua go looking for Hisoka to return the badge that Gon still has from the 4th phase of the Hunter exam.

The Praise

Hunter x Hunter (2011) enters the scene with fresh animation, breathtaking animation, and a good plotline to start off the series with a bang. Individual character motivations, like Kurapika’s revenge and Killua’s search for freedom from his family are decently-developed during the Hunter Exam without being overbearing and dragging the plot. Yeah - we all expect that the main character will pull through no matter how dire the situation, but Gon legitimately made me feel it and that’s what makes a shounen protagonist a good one. I’d also like to mention that I really enjoyed the threat of Illumi and Hisoka as powerfully, mysterious antagonists. Illumi was manipulative and Hisoka was near impossible to read, especially with their respective fascinations with Killua and Gon. Despite how powerful the protagonists feel, there’s a

power ceiling that’s displayed that suggests that there’s SO much more development to come. The use of a tournament arc in the very beginning of a series is unheard of in my book, and for using it as a way to show a vast cast of characters, motivations, challenges and mental and physical fights - it has my vote. The 4th phase of the exam (the ID tag targets) was my personal favorite followed by the final phase (1-on-1 surrendering battles). This anime bleeds tropes that I saw from other Yoshihiro Togashi works as well, like Yu Yu Hakusho. There’s a four-man squad and casual death was rampant throughout the Hunter Exam. Dumb luck, perseverance, and superhuman abilities give Hunter x Hunter (2011) the chance to start as a shounen not to miss. The pacing throughout the exam and after shows that it can make almost every episode interesting and deserving of your full attention. And did I mention that the opening and ending are so different? I knew that the happy, positive opening followed by a loud, screamo ending meant that this show had both light and dark to it, and I personally believe that every good shounen needs both for the perfect thrill ride.

The Critique

Even if I adore this arc, there are some things to watch out for. The transparency of the character motivations make it easy to understand but it could come off as cliché and bland to some watchers. Revealing too much early in the show can detract from what can be revealed later in the anime. A tournament arc is a typical part in any true shounen anime so it was to be expected somewhere. Although I give it a lot of praise...I don’t like how there were 2 recap episodes within this arc because I didn’t feel they were needed. In the Killua

Retrieval Arc (see what I did there?) the charisma of Gon carried the team far. REALLY far. I was a little displeased that Gon’s emotional pleas got so far, considering that it is a family of assassins. You know - people that kill for money. In fact, Gon’s personality gets him out of a lot of situations that could’ve easily went sideways and he STILL catches a beating for it, which can make him seem weak. He’s still 12, so I’ll give him that benefit of the doubt. Still, if you’re not a fan of a happy-go-lucky main character, then it’ll be a huge negative for you. Also Leorio. I liked him at first, but him acting as the loudmouth and the non-dependable one can get old at times.

The Verdict

If you’re not a fan of shounen anime, I still highly recommend that you start with Hunter x Hunter (2011). Gon’s charisma, personality, and supernatural skills, combined with the interesting cast and situations that they all face will have you craving more. The amazing soundtracks, clean animation, and the arc’s ending let you know that much more is coming. Even with its few negatives, I encourage you to jump in and let me know what you think! ~D

Arc Rating: 8 gold nuggets out of 10

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