Well it was nice while it lasted. The Journey of One Piece was an emotional rollercoaster and to see it end like this was very unexpected. We found the pirate king and his name is Kaido.
Review/Discussion: Absolute Domination
The chapter begins where we left off with the aftermath of Luffy striking Kaido in the head. As expected, no damage was done to Kaido. We see a hurt Speed and Luffy asks if Tama got to her destination safe. She regrets to inform him that she failed and we see a very ominous panel of a potential “dead” Tama. Here we see Luffy angrier than I’ve seen him in a long time. He regrets not going with her. This moment challenges Luffys core ideals established right before the time skip. The whole point of the time skip for Luffy was to get stronger so he could protect the ones he loves. He wanted to avoid another Sabaody incident with Kuma having his way with his crew and Luffy being powerless to stop it. He wanted to avoid another situation like Ace. But to his dismay, to him it appears Tama has fallen under his watch. Law tries to talk some sense into him but Luffy brings up the point they’re not even sure that their crews are safe after Kaidos attack. All this is necessary to put into perspective before judging Luffys actions. His ideals were challenged, crew was attacked, and is under the impression his new friend was killed. If Luffy did as Law wanted, that would be cowardly.
Luffy goes out on an all-out barrage of Elephant Gun Gatlings causing Kaido to go back to is human form. From there he goes right into Gear Fourth and continues to hit Kaido attack after attack with all his might. But even after all this effort Luffy is giving…. Kaido gets up…. And sighs at him…. From sigh to what appears to be a speed blitz into “Divine Thunder,” with just ONE hit while Luffy is in his most powerful mode Gear Fourth, Luffy is devastated, knocked out, leaking blood. Kaido ends it with a sting to the very pride of Luffy by stating “What kind of King did you say you’ll be?” Absolute domination.
This chapter showed s that there is no way for us to be able to defeat Kaido one on one. I believe the main point of this chapter was to let us know to expect a team effort to try to bring Kaido down. And if I’m being honest, even with a team effort, I do not see them taking Kaido down. He was other Calamities under him as well along with the Shogun and his forces.
Kaido will take Luffy Prisoner or Law will find a way to escape. Luffy is badly injured. I’ve stated in the past that ever since we’ve seen Marcos reintroduction into the story right before Wano started, the reason Oda showed his healing abilities is because we will need them by the arcs end. Multiple near death moments and characters are going to continue to come. If Kaido takes Luffy prisoner, it will introduce Kidd into the plot.
Amazing chapter full of action and emotion. Seeing Luffy this angry made me scared. Not to mention the art was fantastic, so many good panels. One of the best starts to an arc in One Piece.
~ S