Speechless. This chapter and specifically the last page has me speechless. We finally get a confirmation on what Kaido's power is, and in hindsight, the clues were all there. Anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself so let’s just jump into it.
Part 1: The Plan
The beginning of the chapter goes into detail about the plan to attack Onigashima in 2 weeks and what Kinnemon and crew are already doing to get ready for it. I’m not gonna bore you with a full recap but one thing that was clarified that I did not know is that Kaido is considered the King/Emperor over what I assume Kiku means Wano. Sticking to the Japanese theme of the arc, this makes sense. In the time of the Samurai, there was a Shogun who was above everyone except the Emperor. We also find out that our boy Kinnemon and Tsuru are husband and wife. I like figuring out these types of things about characters we’ve been around for so long. We are introduced to the Kunoichi Shinobu this chapter as well. Another key point in the plan I want to discuss are the 3 samurai Kinnemon insists the gang tris to find; Kawamatsu, Demjiro, and Ashura Douji. The last name should ring a bell because in Kinnemons explanation of Oden, Ashura Douji was the man Oden had to defeat to bring order to the town. Safe to assume that after that incident, the people that Oden fought grew found of him and followed Oden as their Master.
Part 2: Shutenmaru and Jack
We cut back to Okobore Town to see that once again, the citizen are being attacked and raided or their food just shortly after Luffy saved them. The culprit is the Atamayama Theives Leader we’ve heard about in previous chapters, Shutenmaru. Shortly after his introduction, BOOM, Jack shows up. They have a little banter and then Shutenmaru attacks Jack as displayed on a beautiful double page spread. They begin fighting each other. Now we see why the people in th outside world fear Wano. There are Samurai in Wano that can go toe to toe with one of the top crewmates of a Yonko. Fans can relax now about “Samurai in Wano are overhyped, they’re not that strong.” Clearly, there are monster Samurai out there.
Part 3: Dragon
OKAY OKAY PKAY. HOLY CANOLI. WHEN I SAY I WAS SHOOK, I WAS BEYOND SHOOK. Sky darkens, a claw decends followed be a big black mass that turns out to be a DRAGON and that DRAGON is KAIDO looking for Luffy and the crew. I’m still flustered about it. We have confirmation that Kaido has the mystical zoan Dragon Devil fruit. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how they’re going to beat this thing. That last page struck the fear of God in everyone. I’m just rambling at this point but holy shit, He looks magnificent. Came in like Shenron, flexed on everyone on some real Emperor ish. I just can’t right now. Did not expect to see him this early on in the arc. I knew this “plan” our gang was coming up with wasn’t going o go smoothly, but had no idea this kind of monkey wrench would come this early.
We’re all gonna die.
Fantastic chapter with a jaw dropping ending. I can’t type anymore. I’m gonna take a nap.
~ S