The past few chapters gave us a lot of revelations that give us a better perspective on what we can expect going down in Wano. I want to just spew my thoughts on these revelations as well as talk about things I’ve been thinking would happen in Wano.
Toki and Hiyori

So we found out last chapter that Lady Toki had the ability to travel into the future. We also know at the time of the burning of the castle, Lady Toki was with both Momo and his younger sister Hiyori. We know Momo was sent 20n years into the future, but why didn’t Toki send her daughter into the future? Or did she? I believe that we’ve already seen Lady Hiyori. I think Hiyori is O-Tama. I know what some of you might be thinking, “That doesn’t make sense, Kiku was around and didn’t recognize her, and she’s been around for at least 3 or 4 years because she met Ace.” All valid points, BUT hear me out. I believe Hiyori was sent 14 years into the future. At the time of the castle fire, I believe Hiyori was around 2 years old. After Toki sent Momo and gang 20 years into the future, she sent Hiyori 14 years into the future. Doing basic Math, Going with those numbers, Hiyori/Tama would have arrived to the present timeline 6 years sooner than Momo. We know Tama is about to be 8 so the numbers add up. And Kiku may not recognize her because last time she saw her she was 2. It may sound crazy but it clicks in my head.
Gekko Moriah, let’s talk about that guy. We were first introduced to the idea of Wano back in Thriller Bark through the legendary swordsman Ryuma. We also find out that Moriah was once destroyed by Kaido which resulted in the death of his entire crew. Thinking back, Thriller Bark gave us a lot of clues about what we could expect from Wano. Adding to the fact that we find out Kaido and his crew were in Wano 20 years ago when they attacked Oden’s Castle, the Moriah situation makes so much more sense. Moriah was probably in Wano, which is where he stole Ryumas body and sword from, and was attacked by Kaido and his crew was wiped out.

All that being said, if Moriah were to ever make a comeback to the story, it would be here in Wano. Him being involved in this arc makes sense. He wasn’t killed off when the chance came. I feel like Oda has a plan incorporating him in Wano. Something as simple as revenge on Kaido. As I’m writing this review, I’m putting more pieces together. Thriller Bark may have been a tease to what’s to come in Wano. We were introduced to the super giant Oars back in Thriller Bark. He had a resemblance to An Oni, similar to Kaido. That was the first arc were we saw all the Strawhats team up to fight one opponent. I can see something similar happening in Wano when it comes to facing Kaido. I wouldn’t be shocked if we see Nightmare Luffy either. We know we need a lot of fire power to defeat Kaido and some form of Gear 4th Nightmare Luffy may provide that extra power.
Raid on Onigashima

Last chapter also revealed the plan to raid Onigashima, the Island where Kaido resides, in 2 weeks. We also know the Reverie will be over in one week. This can mean that word can get out of the Strawhats arrival in Wano. We know that Akainu wasn’t in favor of sending Kizaru to Wano but that idea was planted in our heads for a reason. Add to the fact that the last we saw of the Gorosei was them in front of Im asking him/her “what is the light that needs to be extinguished from history?” I believe the light or one of the lights Im will say is Strawhat and the Gorosei will give Akainu orders to send some forces to Wano to try to exterminate that light, maybe even Cp0. Let’s not forget that Big Mom is also planning to come to Wano. The stage is being set for something even bigger than Marineford. 2 Emperors and the Marines, in addition to the Strawhats and potentially the entire alliance, the Samurai, the Minks, the Heart Pirates, Kidd, Drake, Hawkins, Apoo, and even Marco. It’s going to be INSANE.
Onigashima means “Oni Island.” This gives more credence to the theory that Kaido is an Oni or has an Oni related devil Fruit ability. Maybe even an Oni with a Dragon Mystical Zoan, who knows but I’m willing to bet my money on either of the 2.
Well those were the biggest things on my mind after the revelation in chapter 920. As Wano unfolds, things will get more clear and complicated at the same time. We are witnessing a unique arc, one in which Oda has been waiting a long time to write. As revelations come to clear the muddy water that is deciphering the mind of the mad genius Oda, I’ll be here to try to take those hints and piece together more theories in the future.