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One Piece Chapter 920: I Love Oden

Part 1: Oden

Concise and powerful chapter this week. We get some of the backstory to Oden throughout this chapter. A man who accomplished a lot of good things, helping the people and gaining power in a righteous way. He was the son of the Shogun, Sukiyaki and banished from the capital for starting too many fights. He went on and tamed the lawless land of Kuri and changed its infrastructure and culture to be that of a peaceful, prosperous town. His father granted him the title of Daimyo over Kuri as a result. It’s noted that he would say “It’s too cramped here” often, fitting for someone who wanted to open Wanos orders.

Part 2: Zoro and Inu

We cut to where Zoro is and it appears to be at a Wasteland. He decides to catch a ride on a wharf he sees. This is a clear set up by Oda to test Zoro in my opinion. I believe Zoro will run into someone he will need to fight. Maybe even Jack. We also see that Inuarashi arrived to Wano. He’s reminiscing about the past with Oden and how kind he was to him and Neko. I’ll talk more about these developments in my predictions section, I have some thoughts.

Part 3: Kaidos Presence

Kinnemon goes on to describe Odens death by the hands of Orochi and we also get a glimpse of Kaido and what appears to be his Calamities. It’s our first time seeing the other 2 besides Jack albeit as silhouettes. I’m going to say the one in the middle is the strongest of the calamities, just take my word for it. Jack is to that individual’s right, and Jack is also known as Kaidos Right-hand, The individual to the left is going to be considered Kaidos left-hand, and the person in the middle will be represented as Kaidos “Head.” Take all that as you’d like.

Part 4: Toki Toki

The big questioned answered this chapter was the whole time travel thing. There was worry in the community as to how Oda would handle this since timed travel can be tricky to pull off. It was Momo’s mother, Lady Toki who sent them to the future. She states herself that it is impossible to travel to the past, but she has the ability and has traveled to the future many times. We find out Momo had a sister hat was present as the castle was burning. Why didn’t Lady Toki send her with Momo into the future? I’m sure this will be brought up in the future.

They plan on going through with their plan to attack in 2 weeks at the Night of the Fire Festival. The raid will be on Onigashima, the island where Kaido resides.


Okay, Zoro and Inu. I believe their paths will cross. I think Zoro is going to run into Jack and so will Inu. That or one will run into Jack and the other will run into another Calamity. Either way, I believe Zoros first challenge of the new world will come very soon

Momos sister. I believe that she was kept alive. I think she is held as a political hostage of sorts and was married off to Orochi. That’s all I could come up with.


Great chapter. These info dump backstories are some of my favorite parts about One Piece. We also got questions about the time travel answered fast and logically. Can’t wait to see the plan they come up with inevitably fall apart and watch chaos ensue.


~ S

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