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One Piece Chapter 919: The Ruins of Oden Castle

My head is spinning after finishing this chapter. So many questions. Like, How??? Who??? And for What??? ODA ODA ODAA.

Part 1: History of Wano 101

Chapter starts off with Tama and the town giving their thanks to Luffy as they send them off as the team heads to Odens castle.

We then cut to the history lesson portion of the chapter in the Flower Capital. Lots of good stuff is revealed here. We get the mindset of the people in Wano, children are being taught that the concept of Isolationism is good and opening the border is bad. The Kozuki family is clearly seen as evil to the people. Orochi is seen as Wanos hero. The continued emphasis on 20 years ago is still being brought up. We also find out that Orochi is a two sword style swordsman, a perfect set up for what I believe will be Zoros big fight this arc.

We are introduced to a new character, Inemuri Kyoshiro, who tells us of Odens wife, saying a few ominous words before her death alluding to his downfall in, get this, 20 years. He goes on to confirm that Oden in fact took this to heart and really believes what she says was a curse and prophecy, and that this year marks the 20th year since the day the curse was made. A prophecy stating that 9 Samurai will come and kill him and open the gates of Wano. This portion ends with the people saying AGAIN that Oden and his affiliates died 20 years ago…

Part 2: Back to the Future

We cut back to Luffy with a gorgeous panel of them approaching Odens Castle. Zoro goes missing while they were on a dog which is odd and I will give my thoughts on in my predictions section. Luffy notices the names on the graves and is concerned, and so is Kiku, hmmm. Law tells Luffy that Kinnemon will probably appear at night, alluding that he has only showed up at night for the past few days, making Luffy think he’s a ghost only to find out Kinnemon has diarrhea. I couldn’t believe what I was reading. It was hilarious yet concerning because I thought all possibilities of something supernatural were taken off the table regarding their graves. BUT I WAS WRONG.

We find out Kiku knows Kinnemon and that Momo is in Wano as well. We also finally meet back up with the Whole Cake Island team. Then, Kinnemon drops one of the most shocking things I’ve read in the series. He says that they came from the 20 years ago in the past to the future. Let that sink in. I KNEW that these 20 year dates and suspicious timelines had to do with something. Momo saying he met Roger all the way back in Zou was clear foreshadowing of the fact that this time travel thing was in the works for a while now. So many clues were laid out that we took for granted or wrote off as just errors on Odas part, but no, the mad genius was at it again with another bombshell of a reveal which has me and I’m sure the fandom in awe and wonder. This also lets us know since we know that Kaido was the one who killed Oden that Kaidos presence has been in Wano for over 20 years. Whether or not he was a Yonko 20 years ago, we don’t know.


Okay, I’m going to address Zoro’s disappearance. The way this chapter was set up with hints at the timeline being altered with the constant “20 Years ago” sentiment, I’m going to go out on a limb and say there is a possibility that Zoro may have been thrown back in time, and I believe is he was, he was sent back to Ryumas time. It’s crazy I know but I’m jut throwing it out there. As for how I think that this whole time travel thing happened? I have no clue. It might be a devil fruit, or there might be some kind of item Wano has that makes it possible to time travel. Some kind of magic maybe.


Fantastic chapter this week. Great plot progression that also gave us more details on Wanos history as well as more characterization for the Shogun. Add to the fact we were reunited with the Whole cake Island group of Strawhats and Momo and Kinnemon as well, too good. Oh, and Time travel being thing in One Piece???? Yeah, crazy stuff


~ S

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