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Space Patrol Luluco: After Anime Report

Space Patrol Luluco

Across Time and Space

Series in a Sentence

13-year old Luluco is thrust into being a member of the Space Patrol when her father becomes unable to perform his job.

What I liked

This show was like meeting an old friend again and picking up right where you left off. While I enjoyed the more original aspects of the show, such as Luluco and Nova’s relationship, Lalaco’s heist of Ogikubo, and the Luluco universe as a whole, the parts I enjoyed the most were the ones that brought me back to things I loved. Seeing the cast interact with some of my favorite Trigger characters and concepts like the life fibers from Kill la Kill, Sucy from Little Witch Academia, and Inferno Cop from Inferno Cop among others brought me back to the times when I initially watched those shows while also adding new dimensions to them. I also liked that it tied in Kiznaiver, a concurrently-running Trigger Series. Likewise, seeing some characters act as callbacks to older characters, specifically Over Justice acting as a callback to Inferno Cop, was amazing. Despite the flood of references, though, this series balances out its own story and the worlds of other series masterfully for what it is. Finally, though it might sound like gushing now, I also loved the animation style. While I adore Studio Trigger’s animation style when they take things seriously, there’s just something goofy yet endearing about Trigger’s more “low-budget” style.

What I Didn’t Like

Again, there wasn’t really anything I didn’t like. I think that the purposely chaotic pacing worked well, the references were nice touches, and the length of the series was perfect. This is especially true considering that Trigger had a bigger-budget anime, Kiznaiver, running at the same time. Thus, like in my spoiler-free review, the main point to this part of the review is to say that I might not have enjoyed it as much as I did if I hadn’t watched the trigger catalog before this.

Overall Feelings

Space Patrol Luluco was one of two Trigger Series running at the same time during the same season and I would argue that it was the better one. Despite a lower budget and a reference-focused story (for the most part), it delivered way more fun, way more laughs, and a more down-to-earth “for the people” feel. As a Studio Trigger fan, I’m not afraid to let me bias out or criticize the studio when I feel like it is deserved. Here, I feel like all of the praise I’m heaping on the show doesn’t do it (Over) Justice. Especially with how short this show is, there is no excuse not to watch it. Even as you grow up and start to forget things you enjoyed from the past, it’s important to go back and revisit them.

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