The chapter starts off with Urashima being infuriated with O-Kiku as he proceeds to attack her. Luffy comes in to intercept the attack and they begin a Sumo match. Luffy is just playing with him, dodging every move, in the classic comedic style Luffy fashion. It was really fun to see how lax Luffy was. Its clear o the reader that the fight with Katakuri truly was a training moment for Luffy, he has gotten savvier with his observation haki making him a bigger threat than he already was.
We briefly cut to Holdem and O-Tama as he tries to pinch O-Tama’s cheeks off. He brings up the view point that the Kozuki clan was planning to destroy Wano. I can see where he may be coming from. Remember now, Oden wanted to open up the borders of Wano to the world. This would have gone against the very essence of the country, and opposition to this idea is only natural. Why fix what isn’t broken would be the logical argument. Opening the borders would mean opening up dagger to the country and changing its nature as a whole. We see Law and Hawkins in this portion as well. Hawkins warns who I think is Holdem not to fight Luffy, saying he’s no match for Luffy (Luffy Fanboyness intensifies).
We cut back to more of the Sumo match where we see this gorgeous page of Luffy stretching his arm and then performing his final attack that sends Urashima flying. Chaos ensues as Lufy, Zoro and O-Kiku fight their way to find Holdem who has O-Tama. Holdem shows himself to them with Tama in the mouth of the Lion in his stomach. Holdem brings up an intereting thing when he asks if they are subordinates of “Shuten Mar.” I’ll talk more about that in the discussion section. Both Law and Hawkins are rushing to Bakura Town where Luffy and Holdem. The chapter ends with 4 cool panels with Law, Luffy, Holdem and Hawkins.
I want to talk about Law and Hawkins. The expressions they were showing, specifically in the last panels, were more of worry than fear. I feel as if there’s more to this than what we see on the surface. I believe that they have been in contact for some time now and devised a plan. The worry in their face is about all the commotion Luffy is displaying which may cause unwanted attention to their location, thus ruining their plans for the future.
Holdem brought up the name Shuten Maru. I found interesting information about that names history. Not exactly the name but in Japanese mythology a being known as Shuten Douji was known as the King of the Oni. He’s describes a drunk who was born with superhuman strength and intelligence. Really does fit Kaido’s characteristics. There are theories about Kaido being an Oni or possessing the Oni Mystical Zoan fruit. This Shuten Douji can be an enemy of Kaido if the parallel can be considered true, or that Maru is in fact the Oni king and Kaido is some other being.
I really enjoyed this chapter. I can tell Oda has been wanting to get to this arc of the story based off the energy that comes off of the art in these charters. When art can emote emotion to the reader in the manga medium, you know you’re reading something special. The art this week emotes happiness and fun to me.
Next chapter will wrap up the Holdem conflict. Luffy will defeat Holdem and save Tama. Luffy will finally encounter Law and as well as Hawkins. Any established plans that Law may have with Hawkins will be explained then.
~ S