Pretty straightforward chapter this week. Let’s start with the cover story, pretty sure it’s Bellamy, very interested to see where it goes. My guess is by the end of the cover story, Bellamy will hang up the Strawhat Jolly Roger.
Part 1: Exposition
Chapter starts out with O-Tama being healed, no elongated healing, nice and to the point. In the meanwhile, O-Kiku was treating Zoro’s wounds, turns out she’s (?) really tall. An interesting thing the translator notes is that O-Kiku used the term “sessha” which is usually used by male samurai, hmmm. O-Tsuru makes a meal for O-Tama and after a back and forth between the two, O-Tama finally accepts the meal. O-Tsuru goes on to tell us some of the history of the portion of Wano they currently are in. Te town is known as a town of leftovers because these people were pushed out from their previous town by government officials. That previous town was the home to Oden’s Castle, where 20 years ago the Kozuki clan ruled Wano. Shogun Orochi owns that land now.
I am really liking the environmental theme I see going on in this Wano arc. The time of Kozuki rule of Wano is described as paradise, where there was clean, fresh food and living conditions. Ever since Shogun Orochi took over, that paradise seems to have become a hell where the tranquility of nature was destroyed, resulting in a famine of sorts. The wealthy ruling class is eating all the good food and sell the leftover, rotting food to the lower class.
Part 2: The Kidnapping
O-Tsuru is attacked but Zoro’s observation haki was able to detect and block the attack. The attacker is a Gifter from the Beast Pirates, Batman. Then out of nowhere, another Gifter, Gazelleman, boonk ganged (kidnapped) O-Tama at 200 kilometers per hour. A chase ensued and Luffy, Zoro and O-Kiku went after him. O-Kiku turns out to be a samurai and we also find out that the government official district where O-Tama is being taken to is overseen by 3 Headliners from the Beast Pirates; Hawkins, Holdem and speed. We see a glimpse of Holdem in this chapter and it looks like he is a lion. It’s safe to assume that Speed is probably a cheetah. The chapter ends with Luffy, Zoro and O-Kiku entering the Bakura district, an enemy infested territory. We finally get to see Law this chapter as the Heart pirates inform him of Luffy arriving at Wano.
This was a fast paced chapter that moved the plot along well. We are getting into the meat of the action faster than I expected based on how previous arcs would handle the situation. I actually like this approach, there’s a lot to cover in Wano and getting past the trivial problems that arise and getting into the main meat of the issue is a good move.
Next chapter we will confront Holdem. Law will meet up with Luffy and go to discuss his plan. Hawkins may show up and decide to join them in their plan to take down Kaido. Going to see a glimpse of another Calamity from Kaidos crew. Oh and O-Kiku is a trap.