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S: My First Convention Experience

Like D, my first Con experience was Otakon 2016 in Baltimore, Maryland. Before this point, I’ve always wanted to experience a convention be it Anime Expo or Comic Con. D’s sentiments on his con experience were pretty much mine as well so I’ll try to keep this short. My friends and I would always talk about going to a Con one day, and in one fateful group chat, one of the 5 friends brought to our attention that there’s a Con that happens somewhere relatively close to where we live. I was honestly shocked, I didn’t know there were relatively big Cons that happen near my area. So we bought passes and a hotel room. I didn’t know what to expect next.

I’d always watch YouTube videos of some of my favorite YouTubers at Cons or scroll through twitter and see all the cool stuff people were doing on Anime expo weekend and what not. Finally being to be able to experience a con was something on my bucket list and ever since that 2016 experience, we made it a point to make Otakon an annual thing for our friend group. It’s hard to put into words how I felt, the atmosphere of the drive to the hotel, the hotel itself, the city being flooded with cosplayers and con attendees, the con itself, it all felt magical in a way (corny I know). Moments that stick out in my head are definitely the night raves. I can best describe it as cringeful bliss in the most positive way possible. Something that also sticks out is that I made the mistake the first morning to workout and run before we headed out, HUGE mistake. SO MUCH WALKING. I was beyond dead and didn’t expect to be as tired as I was. And of course, seeing cool cosplay in real life was cool to see. Bought my first figure, Eustass Captain Kidd from One Piece, got a Straw Hat Pirates Jolly Roger Wall Scroll, and couldn’t be happier.

I know my thoughts are all jumbled but I absolutely loved my first con experience. It spawned an annual tradition within our friend group and we look forward to it every year. I’m SUPER excited to see what this year’s Otakon is going to bring us. Look forward to talking to you guys about it!

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