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D: An Introduction

Hello and welcome to Backlog Bebop! My name is D and I will be one of your hosts for this adventure we’re about to embark on. I currently live in Ohio and I’m having a great time casually watching anime, and talking to my friends about it. I had parents that got me into the media and I haven’t stopped since DragonBall Z was airing on TV every day on Cartoon Network after school. I’m a 90’s baby with a love for anime that’s taught me more lessons than I think about on a regular basis, and I crave characters that break the mold and shine against the toughest opponents.

When it comes to the genre of anime that I enjoy, shounen, slice of life, adventure, and lately tragedy/horror are my main genres. How they carry themselves is equally as important. The reputation of a series is extremely valuable to me since, I admit, I’m not a seasonal anime watcher. If a title is above average and attracts attention through sources that I trust - then I give it a chance. Otherwise, if the concept piques my interest then I may add it to my backlog and watch on a rainy day. There are a couple anime that are slept-on...but we’ll get to that in good time. Right now this is the textual handshake that starts our journey together.

Story, characters, action and the ending are major points for any anime or manga and I want to stress that I care so much for the ending. If there’s an uncharacteristic or half-baked ending then I might as well banish it halfway to the Shadow Realm. I’m ten times more critical of the ending than the beginning. In my experience there’s plenty of anime with unfitting or underwhelming endings, rather than pilots. But there’s a method to my madness ever since Neon Genesis Evangelion. So take that and throw it in a robot.

Often, the show’s that I consider masterpieces have a physical home at my place or I have a plan for owning. Physical copies are the mastered version of any great series and having that copy is great. Streaming services are the next best thing! Crunchyroll, Funimation, Netflix and Hulu all have their great collections of different anime to check out - and hopefully I can mention some that deserve your attention.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my rambling and I look forward to talking to you all about your favorite anime and manga shows and moments with the times to come. This is a community where the show reigns supreme and not the fact that it’s made by a specific studio or creator will not overshadow that. In other words: I don’t care if it was Miyazaki’s second-cousin who composed the soundtrack, if I didn’t enjoy it, I didn’t enjoy it. Let’s find some great stuff together and long live the backlog.

Welcome to Backlog Bebop!


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