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Welcome To Backlog Bebop

First and foremost, welcome to Backlog Bebop. This whole thing started as an idea dreamt up by a small group of friends and has gone through more format changes, delays, and member changes than I want to list. We're here now, though, and just typing this out is like a dream come true, a start to a grand adventure if you will. The purpose of this post is pretty simple: I want to briefly introduce those involved and lay out what we want to do and how we want to do things. It's not the most exciting thing for sure but like every good story there has to be the set up. Sit back, skim the post, and get ready to rock; This is gonna be a fun ride.

Who Are We?

For now, all you need to know is that we're a group of friends looking to immortalize what we love about anime: conversations. Each blog post you see will be written by one of three main people (W, D, or S) with more people joining in on the fun as time goes on. Rest assured, we're not all the same person and as such we aren't all the same anime fan. Each article, review, preview, or whatever else we feel like writing will have a different flavor depending on the person and that's how it should be.

What Do We Want To Do?

We three founders picked the name Backlog Bebop for a pretty specific reason: We want to put an emphasis on the backlog. As all anime fans know, the backlog never ends as more and more shows come out. Essentially, we want to review different series from different eras in order to help make navigating the waters just a bit easier. Do not fear, though, because we'll make sure to include more modern or popular series. Remember, each person puts an emphasis on different things so think of us like the friends you may or may not have as you get to know our own personal tastes a bit better. Outside of reviews, though, we plan on tackling passion projects such as manga reviews, cultural analyses, tropes, lists, and everything under the sun. If you've ever talked about something with a friend or have wanted to talk about it, we plan on writing about it.

How Are We Going To Do It?

The mainstays to this blog are going to be anime reviews (although the word recommendation may suit them better), anime articles, and manga reviews Through the use of a split review format catering to both fans wanting to avoid spoilers and those that don't care, we plan on putting out highly personalized reviews ending with a recommendation of varying degrees. Anime articles can range from reactions to current events to unwritten anime rules or cultural deep dives! Manga reviews will likely center around One Piece but look forward to more series as we go on. Our release schedules are all available on Instagram every Saturday!

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